
Currently, Kuksa IDE includes some plugins extending Eclipse Che’s functionality. Each plugin is explained in a sub-section below.

Remote Target

Remote Target plugin enables the user to Manage different development boards (i.e. Raspberry Pi 3). The image below shows the preferences view acccessible through Profile > Preferences > Remote Target Settings > Targets.


This plugin provides the following macros;

  • ${}: Selected remote target’s hostname (IP)
  • ${}: Selected remote target’s user name

These macros are possible to be resolved once a Remote target is selected in Profile > Preferences > Remote Target Settings > Targets.

Yocto Support

Yocto Support plugin enables the user to manage different Yocto SDKs. The image below shows the preferences view acccessible through Profile > Preferences > Yocto Settings > Yocto SDK.


As part of the managing of the Yocto SDK, these are;

  • Being downloaded and installed, when added.
  • Being uninstalled, when deleted

For dowloading, installing, and uninstalling the Yocto SDK, a CustomSilentCommandExecutor that executes command line commands in the Workspace’s running machine.

Morevoer, the plugin provides the following macros

  • ${yocto.sdk.env.path}: Path to the environement source file
  • ${yocto.sdk.path}: Path to the installation root directory

These macros can be only resolved when a Yocto SDK is selected through Profile > Preferences > Yocto Settings > Yocto SDK.

Additionally, this plugin provides a custom Eclipse Che command type, which gives an initial template for using some Yocto SDK’s plugin macros. This template is accessible as shown in the image below.
